Thanks for the update on this topic.
What would be really needed from my point of view would be the following:
- AT THE VERY LEAST: electronic signatures for the steps “submit”, “verify” and “publish”. That means, an option to activate a modal window or something that requests for reentry of your user ID and password to sign
- ALSO IMPORTANT: options to enable electronic signatures for certain “high risk” operations (eg. remove an instrument or change its export path); eg. some other computerized systems solve this via a list of so called “privileged actions” where you tick checkboxes to select where an electronic signature is required
- NEEDED: define user rights for each different role (not only asignment of roles)
- EDIT: ALSO NEEDED: require entry of comment for each change of values/data (eg. “change needed to reflect the nonconformity #123abc”) and write those comments into the audit trail along with the change
- the audit trail (aka audit log) seems alright to me already!
- a big plus would be the ability to link to LDAP users/passwords
- change of the word “publish” to “approve”, which fits better in a regulated environment
Is this something, that can be easily done via customization, or is re-coding of deeply buried code required here?