Is it possible to use exponents & square roots for calculations? Additional questions for calculations

For calculations in Senaite, is it possible to use exponents & square roots?

Also, is it possible to create conditional calculations? For example, if a certain value is 1, output 10. If 2, output 17.

Finally, can you set the significant digits in decimal places?

Hi @Engineer_1123,

sure, you can use all python functions, if you take care that necessary modules are installed and configured correctly.
E.g. we use SciPy for some statistics.
You can create complex user-defined functions per code in your file.

For simple conditions you can use functional syntax kind of
value = this if condition else that

Significant digits are on my wishlist too, my workaround is about applying Calculate Precision from Uncertainties, which works quite well with results <1.
e.g. if you define a uncertainty of 1 %, the result is rounded to the digit, which represents 1 % of the original value, so you get 3 significant figures.
With 10 % you get 2 digits, etc.

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I am familiar with Python. Where can I read more about these 3 things I asked?

Thanks in advance!

we use SciPy for some statistics.
You can create complex user-defined functions per code in your file.

For simple conditions you can use functional syntax kind of
value = this if condition else that

Significant digits are on my wishlist too, my workaround is about applying Calculate Precision from Uncertainties, which works quite well with results <1.
e.g. if you define a uncertainty of 1 %, the result is rounded to the digit, which represents 1 % of the original value, so you get 3 significant figures.
With 10 % you get 2 digits, etc.

Is it ok if you share some examples of it here? I am still new to Senaite; your help will be very much appreciated. Thanks!

See my answer to

For significant figures I will show my example as a new topic.