Add Range Remarks to a published report


How do i add range remarks to a published report. I have added text under analysis specifications/range remarks but they do not print out on the published report. looking at it looks like it should … a little lost. Thanks in advance…

Default results report (“”) does not display range remarks for analyses when analysis specification is used. If you want to display that information, the recommended way is to create your own add-on and put there your report templates with the information that fit better your needs. Anyhow, you can “tweak” the default template quite easy. Just add the following snippet after line 263 from

<div tal_define="results_range python:analysis.get('specs',{});
                 range_comment python:results_range.get('rangecomment', '');"
 tal:condition="python: analysis.get('outofrange', False) and range_comment"

Notice that with this snippet, range comment will only be displayed if the result is out of range (tal:condition).

Anyhow, I strongly recommend you to install senaite.impress, cause is the machinery that will supersed the current one in future versions (1.3.x) of senaite.core.