I am new to this and I don´t know much about Python, HTML or CSS, but I have been able to customize a little bit my sample stickers. The only thing i have not been able to customize is adding a field with a list of the analysis services for such specific sample; it could be the analysis service name(s) or the keyword(s). Does anyone know how to add this field on the stickers?
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Hi @diegoadrian have you been able to figure this out?
Hi @francois, thanks for your reply, I have not been able to figure this out. Do you have any idea on how to make this possible?
This code gets you close I think - its the lines with “profile” in them:
<tal:sticker define="item python:view.current_item;
sample_id item/getId;
client_sample_id item/getClientSampleID;
profiles python:item.getProfiles()">
<div class="sample_id" tal:content="sample_id">Sample ID</div>
<div class="client_sample_id" tal:content="client_sample_id"></div>
<div class="client_sample_id">
<tal:profiles condition="profiles">
<tal:profile repeat="profile profiles">
<span tal:content="profile/Title" />
<div class="client_sample_id">