Error when i click on user contact


i installed Senaite latest version with docker
site setup / Users and Groups
and created a new user
after I click to view user details
it shows the following error

We’re sorry, but there seems to be an error…
Here is the full error message:

Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 176, in transaction_pubevents
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 385, in publish_module
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 288, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 85, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 63, in call_object
Module senaite.core.browser.user.userdatapanel, line 79, in call
Module, line 95, in call
Module z3c.form.form, line 233, in call
Module plone.z3cform.fieldsets.extensible, line 65, in update
Module plone.z3cform.patch, line 30, in GroupForm_update
Module, line 132, in update
Module senaite.core.browser.user.userdatapanel, line 109, in updateWidgets
Module z3c.form.form, line 136, in updateWidgets
Module z3c.form.field, line 277, in update
Module senaite.core.z3cform.widgets.queryselect.widget, line 86, in update
Module z3c.form.browser.widget, line 171, in update
Module Products.CMFPlone.patches.z3c_form, line 47, in _wrapped
Module z3c.form.widget, line 106, in update
Module z3c.form.datamanager, line 76, in query
Module z3c.form.datamanager, line 71, in get
Module z3c.form.datamanager, line 66, in adapted_context
TypeError: (‘Could not adapt’, <PloneSite at /senaite>, )

it’s effect contact when I want to choose contact for client
it’s doesn’t show any client even though I have added contact to client

Hi @w7oshy,

Today I encountered the same error on a production system with no obvious reason why it suddenly broke. And it was even more strange why it started to work again after the server restart.
Do you still have this issue or did you find out why/when it happened for you?

Thanks and regards

yes i still have this error
i installed on windows localhost using docker

I also facing this same error.

Hi @smithhh,

are you also using the latest Docker 2.x version, e.g.

~> docker pull senaite/senaite:2.x
Digest: sha256:3bf20566d000bb2cf76c10a58a284736e0ae3c704c749a6bee400fda6c7acbed

~> docker run -p 8080:8080 senaite/senaite:2.x fg

Does it happen when you click on a user in the User/Groups panel or how did it occur on your side?

Thanks, Ramon

It seems like this issue was related to the previous used Plone version 5.2.14 in the Docker 2.x image.
We’ve updated now the docker 2.x image to use Plone 5.2.15 and it seems to fix this issue.
Can you please try again?
