SENAITE + FHIR: status update and roadmap?

Hi :wave:

Not sure what you meant by “set up” here. But anyway yes we did it and this is what powers the integration between an EMR system (OpenMRS 3) and SENAITE within Ozone HIS.

The transformation of FHIR payloads into SENAITE payloads and vice versa is done via Camel routes that you will find here: GitHub - mekomsolutions/eip-routes-senaite: Camel routes used by OpenMRS EIP Client project to integrate OpenMRS with SENAITE

Looping in @ruhanga as he’s been behind most of it. He’ll be answering your questions after you’ve gone through the READMEs.

Cc @xispa to your attn, hopefully you remember that I ran you through our vision for Ozone over a call a loooong time ago :slight_smile:
Hopefully this will lead to loads of interesting new digital health projects!