Senaite.jasonapi - "No tool named 'portal_catalog' found."

Trying to implement Senaite.Jasonapi but keep getting the following error string when using the api
{"_runtime": 0.0023660659790039062, “message”: “No tool named ‘portal_catalog’ found.”, “success”: false}
My eggs are listed below.
eggs =

Is anyone able to guide me to a solution for this or have any experience with this sort of problem?

Thank you

Can you share your call to the system?

It happens on all calls except for a version check.

An example call is:


Hi @billyallen, can you access your site via http://<senaitedomain>/senaite?
Given that your Senaite Site ID is senaite, can you access it directly from the host machine via http://localhost:8080/senaite/@@API/senaite/v1/search?portal_type=AnalysisRequest?

Any solution for this?

I am getting this error.
{“_runtime”: 0.001435995101928711, “message”: “Unable to get the portal object. More info on plone.api.exc – Backend – <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">plone.api</span></code> – API methods and descriptions — Plone Documentation v6.0”, “success”: false}