Setting up Senaite on Google Cloud Compute

Hi, has anyone experience of setting up Senaite on a Google Cloud ? I have plone setup with Bitnami, but what to do next to modify the buildout.cfg I have no idea, any guidance most appreciated,


Hi @ben ,

Since the installation guide tells installing SENAITE by command line, I would hire one of those and follow the instructions:

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Many thanks Espurna, I am hoping others may share a similar desire to have their Senaite on the cloud, so I will try to explain a little more my situation, hoping of course admins agree that this is appropriate for the technical forum.

  1. So first to describe my level of computing/network expertise as noob. Completely self-taught using youtube.
  2. I ended up choosing to use Google Kubernetes.
  3. I am then installing the docker Senaite 1.3.3 following these instructions.
  4. I followed the Kubernetes Engine Tutorial
  5. I run this, lots of warnings, takes a bit of time…

One particular warning that will be an issue in the future is:

“WARNING: The easy_install command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.”

“WARNING: gcloud docker will not be supported for Docker client versions above 18.03.”

This process included building and pushing, then running the container, exposing the cluster, finding the external IP and fingers crossed…


now. I will test. BUT, I have the following concern. Running from ‘root’ and security of the build. I read:

It is inadvisable to use following configurations for production.

If anyone has any thoughts on this process, much appreciated. The only major difference and perhaps issue is the starting and stopping of the Kubernetes, which unlike GCE instances cannot it seems be ‘paused’ and ‘resumed’ in the same way as GCE to reduce costs.

The install went very well and it works !!! Fantastic.

Ben in Zambia.

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Hi @ben, it is nice to know that you managed it. I am not of much help with Kubernetes, although I know some companies are using it to run their Senaite LIMS installation. Let’s see if someone with further knowledge jumps in :slight_smile:

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How would you keep the data say you need to migrate to another cloud platform? Will it be possible to upgrade to senaite.docker of a newer version in the future while having the data migrated from the existing container?

Hi Ben,

I use GCP for instance, when I can. However, I’m still forced to use a local server when internet speeds are slow for a remote locations.

I would recommend use of a VM instance - Set up a Ubuntu or linux OS of your preference and then SSH into it and install Senaite via command line, as you would if you had a local server. You just need to ensure the security settings allow access to your IP / URL and you’re good to go.

You can also run it via containers, i.e. with Kubernetes. It’s not needed but it may be fun / good to learn. Make sure you understand how containers deal with persistent storage of data, ie. if the container is shut down or restarted, you will lose everything unless you specifically set this up properly. Read the documentation.

Let us know how you get on.


It’s best practice to create a new user and give it superuser permissions (or add it to a sudoers group) rather than run everything from root. Ubuntu has specifically removed the default root user to force people to follow better security practices. There are tons of linux and ubuntu info and learning guides.