I have a basic question regarding the interfacing of analyzers to Senaite: How to connect the analyzers? We currently have analyzers which exchange data to a pc with data collector software like “diatron Lab” via USB ports . Now we would like to have a solution like Froid middleware which can convert all instrument data to mediator format to feed AR to LIS or ERP/HMIS via ethernet. Now as froid is not yet open to the community, what will be the topology for senaite to exchange bi-directional data to and from Lab Analyzers
Hi @raju and tanks for joining the community forum.
You can find some information in the following links:
1- How to autoimport results from instruments?
2- Does this LIMs system supports ASTM Language?
3- The code for the importers lives here (I think): https://github.com/senaite/senaite.instruments
In order to have new Import Interfaces to read the result files from your analyzers, you have to code them. The same way you can create an importer you can create an exporter as well.
We made a desktop application that gets data from two different instruments and sends the raw data to the LIMS. The LIMS process it and fill the results. Due to it is a very customized code for a group of laboratories it is not open available.
Regarding Froid, we have no notice about its process or current state.
Dear Espurna & Lemoene/Apostolos/Mike/Inus,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I was eagerly waiting for your reply as I needed some guidelines regarding an open source solution for our current LIS integration project for our community hospital which is supported by a non profit organization to leverage mass healthcare for socially deprived segment specially helpless women and kids.
I am thinking of a common solution for BIKA importing AR from the analyzers as illustrated in the following diagram.I want to use a common Serial/RS232 to Ethernet gateway ( WIZnet Serial-to-Ethernet Gateway - WIZ110SR) that converts the serial messages to Ethernet port. For USB BASED analyzers, I want to use a USB to Serial/RS232 converter to connect to serial port of the above gateway.
As you already know what I am targeting at, the Ethernet port will be connected to BIKA LIMS server by LAN so that BIKA can import AR from the analyzer via the above gateway.
I know you are an expert on this area. So do you think I can be able to exchange bi-directional data by this way?
I found another similar open source project , NextGen/ Mirth Connect which provide expensive commercial services for custom project. But, a hospital like us can’t effort that.Please give some advice regarding this project if you don’t mind to talk about other open source project.
My request:
I apologize for writing a longer mail asking your advice. But we need a automated solution within the next 2/3 months to streamline our LAB workflows. Therefore, currently we are looking for some remote experts who can guide us to archive our goals. A complementary honorary can be arranged if he/she agrees to give adequate guidance online. And please mention about other remote guiding professional packages and their costs
Looking forward to have suggestions
Thanking you
Best regards,
Hi @raju,
The vision you have can be quite tricky, we have never interfaced a laboratory instrument through an Ethernet converter, but we did interface some instruments using RS232 communication with ASTM E1381-95 protocol.
Our system had two parts:
- Senaite addon: Basically it is a View helped by a cron that listens for messages from the computer software. All messages are queued and converted into a dict until the system reads the “stop” frame.
- Computer software: It was a command line interface to connect to RS-232 device and read (only read) info from the serial port. All communications sent to the LIMS without previous treatment.
You can find communication examples in the instrument documentation.
Note that at the end, our system is just reading from the analyzer and no further interaction takes place.
hi espurna, hope youre fine, can you help me?. i have a question…
can i make some kind of interface in python for reading rs232 serial comunication and this interface connected with senaite… for real time data extracction?
the real question is…
its any way possible to connect senaite core with python interfaces for rs232 comunications?
@zacafola1I answered you here: Senaite and python interface.... its posible?